In the last ten years there is only one guitarist who has had his diverse recordings favorably compared by serious music journalists to guitar masters such as Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eric Johnson, Steve Morse, Allan Holdsworth, Al Di Meola, Yngwie Malmsteen, Michael Schenker, Robin Trower, Jimi Hendrix, and Uli Jon Roth. That guitarist is the versatile and always imaginative David T. Chastain.
Rock Solid Guitar is David T.'s newest and most rock guitar inspired instrumental work to date. Presenting the music in a bare bones single guitar, bass and drums format, David T.'s improvisational skills are showcased as never before.
David states, "This Cd is really just a sophisticated over the top jam session that originally was not planned for commercial release. However after reviewing the tapes we decided that we wanted the guitar fans of the world to get a chance to check it out. In the three piece format, with only the drums and bass to follow, there was no official place I had to be so I was free to play whatever came natural. Jamming has always been my most enjoyable form of playing. While snippets of the material were planned to a degree, there was never total structure from beginning to end."
Also featured on this Cd is the sensational drummer Mike Haid. Mike has worked with David on his ground breaking Next Planet Please and Freeform Free For All releases.
David only has positive things to say about Mike. "Mike is a true professional and a great talent. He is an undiscovered monster in waiting. Mike and I have been playing together on and off for well over 10 years. When we get together the music just gets hot and heavy. There are not a lot of people who naturally work together well in an improvisational setting but Mike and I have always worked on the same page in that format."
The music on this Cd is not a typical Shred instrumental release but a mixture of quite a few styles. David mentions a couple of his favorite tracks and why:
Burning Passions - An all out assault only limited by your imagination.
Dancing with the Devil's Mistress - For some reason this track really juiced me up and I was hopping all over the place when we recorded it.
In Memoriam - The mourning sadness of this track really touched me.
Keeper of Tomorrow - The most fusion sounding track on the Cd. A style I have always loved to tackle.
David's final words on the release, "Recording the Southern Gentlemen Exotic Dancer Blues Cd really made me look at music in a different light. While I still love and will continue to release intense metal, the Gents stuff showed me how to relax, step back a little and enjoy the music. Everything doesn't have to be serious all the time! While heavy complicated music appeals to a certain part of myself, this type of music appeals to another. One is like getting an A on your Calculus test and the other is like having great sex. I desire both sensations in my life."
Rock Solid Guitar is another milestone in David's illustrious catalog which now easily surpasses 30 releases. A remarkable performance by one of the true icons in guitar music!
Other David T. Chastain releases at Leviathan Records.
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"Rock Solid Guitar" Reviews!
David T. Chastain's releases at Diginet Music
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