That Was Then Again
That Was Then Again is a collection of David T. Chastain's heavier instrumental tracks off his first 3 Cds, Instrumental Variations, Within The Heat and Elegant Seduction.
The Tracks are:
1) Spontaneous Combustion
2) Wild and Truly Diminished
3) The Oracle Within
4) Capriccio in E Minor
5) Now Or Never
6) Excursions into Reality
7) Menage a Trois
8) Schizophrenia
9) Blitzkrieg
10) No Repeat Discourse
11) Positional Strategy
12) Nightmares
David T. himself says, "This was the era of the shred guitar instrumentals. All of the Shrapnel Records' alumni were out there trying to push the boundaries of instrumental music. I chose to compose songs that weren't just solo showcases but actual songs with what I thought were cool parts. I don't think they sound dated at all musically. Of course the way things were mixed in those days have a certain sound. These were recently remastered and sound pretty slamming."
"Instrumental Variations still sells a good number of Cds every year. Hopefully a new era of guitar enthusiasts will discover these 'golden era' of instrumental Cds and appreciate them for what they were and are. I am certainly proud of them."
David T. Chastain's Kramer Guitar Ad!
Other David T. Chastain releases at Leviathan Records.
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