Quite easily one of the heaviest, if not the HEAVIEST cds of all time!! Leif
Edling and the band gives us 6 "True Metal Classics". From the dramatic
opening of "Solitude" to the fading voice of "A Sorcerer's Pledge", this cd
is totally filled with Metal Masterpieces. Each song stands strong and
there is definitely not a weak song on this release. Doom, doom, doom. "To
hatred, bitterness, pain, depressions and hangovers: without you this album
never would have been possible," reads the album insert, more than hinting
at inspirations, and warning you this six song, full length cd is no
lighthearted romp in the park. What it is, is a weighty walk in the dark, as
well executed, cohesive piece of gloomy, dark and deadly sound. The lyrics
do not pay homage to evil, however, they depict the constant struggle
between demons and those who refuse to serve them. EPICUS, DOOMICUS,
METALLICUS is true head banger paradise in the cellar; epic Doom Metal.
gothic laced with a medieval aura that grips one's attention and won't let
go, with enveloping swirls of intense substance.
Overlaying it all are the vocals of Johan Lanquist with his deeply
passionate David Bowie voice, if only Bowie had some vocal muscle. Guitarist
Mats Bjoerkman lays down some of the heaviest rhythm guitar tracks this side
of Metallica. Klas Bergwall supplied the lead guitar as a special guest.
Drummer Mats Ekstroem's bombastic explosions on drums pound you into
submission without remorse. This group can best be described as a frontal
assault on your ears!! Originally from Sweden, CANDLEMASS is the
bassist/lyricist Leif Edling's undertaking and goes through various
line-ups. Regardless of player, Edling composes music that you feel-either
as tightness in your throat, a sensation in your gut, or a hypnotic lethargy
in your inability to stop the CD.
Currently sold out!
Leif Elding-Bass Guitar
Mats Bjoerkman-Rhythm guitar
Mats Ekstroem-Drums
Johan Lanquist-Vocals
Klas Bergwall-solo guitar
Christian Weberyd
Cille Svenson-voice on "Sorcerer's Pledge"