SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN exploded upon the music scene in 2000 with their debut cd EXOTIC DANCER BLUES. The reviews for the Cd were some of the best of the year. The band self describes their sound as "Very Hard and Heavy Blues Rock." The band features the guitar work and vocals of David T. Chastain and the powerhouse rhythm section of Kevin Kekes on bass and Mike Haid on drums.
DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE, SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN 's newest barn burner release, will undeniably expand the band's ever growing legions of fans with its unique mixture of hard rock, metal and blues.
David states, "Listening to the album will obviously bring back memories of the great 70's & 80's blues rock bands such as early ZZ Top, Robin Trower and Hendrix influences but in a heavier modern format. Everyone always talks about the great rock guitar during that era, and that is what I wanted to try to recreate. That was the style of music that I was first attracted to when I started playing."
The guitarist continues, "I have always had that blues rock feel in my playing even on my metal Cds. I remember people saying that I bent too many strings during the shred days!"
The guitarist further adds, "On this Cd we decided to extend the solo sections to create more of a jamming atmosphere. That was something everyone in the band was thrilled to do. It is hard to pick a favorite track because they're all so kickin' from top to bottom."
Mike Haid and Kevin Kekes, both well known artists on their own, power the foundation that provides the groove that all the songs seem to thrive. Mike has played on Cds with heavyweights like Joe Stump, Michael Harris, Gus G and many others. Kevin has played with Chastain, Vainglory and Damien. This is a seasoned and well-respected trio, to say the least.
This release also showcases David's vocals. He states, "I never had the high voice for most hard rock and metal. I have a lower vocal register that fits this style of music." The guitarist jokes, "I may not be the greatest vocalist in the world, but certainly I am not the worst! The response to the vocals on Exotic were surprisingly very positive. Comparisons to Coverdale, Paul Rodgers, Dewar, Gibbons and others were amazing. It definitely helped my confidence."
SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN, with their new recording DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE, have created a great Cd perfect for music fans looking for something new and different - - heavy as hell and jamming to the max! The band hopes their fans enjoy listening to the Cd as much as they did recording it!
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David T. Chastain's Kramer Guitar Ad!